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Official Author Site

My love of stories began almost from the time I first began to read. To me opening a book was like climbing through an escape hatch into another world. To an outside observer, I appeared to be sitting in a room, whilst I was actually crunching through the woods of Narnia, or rushing across the foggy moors behind Holmes and Watson.   


Over the years, I’ve gone from reading, studying and teaching other people's books to writing my own.


The Leighton Jones novels are stories about ordinary people who find themselves thrown into the hunt for the serial killers that move silently among us.  


There are currently three Leighton Jones novels - with a fourth on the way soon!


The stories are spaced ten years apart and each explores key events in the life of Leighton as he struggles with the job, parenthood, grief and redemption. Despite featuring the same character, the books are all standalone titles and can be read in any order.


If these elements sound interesting to you, please look at the pages on each novel for further details. Thank you.


Three novels, three cases, one detective ...

Contact and Social Media


Twitter:  @normthewriter


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